County-to-County (C2C)/NoC is a project of the Orange County Democratic Party that offers resources, support, and assistance to Democratic Parties in selected North Carolina counties. Since its inception in 2016, C2C has helped over 40 candidates in more than 20 counties.
Our Mission:
In partnership with NC Democratic county parties, we mobilize volunteers and resources to help build party infrastructure and to elect Democratic legislators to the General Assembly.
Our Vision:
We envision a North Carolina in which Democratic legislators, supported by strong county parties, enact policies that ensure opportunity and equity for all.
Volunteer Engagement Team
Working across the organization, the Volunteer Engagement team works to recruit volunteers, to enrich the volunteer experience, and to ensure that NoC/C2C volunteers are actively engaged in our activities and events.
Communications Team
The Communications team designs and maintains the website, creates and edits a regularly published Call to Action (CTA), produces a monthly issues-based newsletter, creates printed publications, and promotes C2C/NoC through Social Media.
Canvassing Team
Canvasses neighborhoods in partner counties, talking with voters and distributing voter registration and candidate information.
Phone Banking Team
Partners with county parties and candidates to organize callers, identify supporters, persuade undecided voters, and encourage supporters to cast their vote through in-person or virtual phone banks. Within Orange County, phone bankers recruit volunteers, promote events, and keep voter contact information current.
Responsible for data entry for all operations. This includes assisting partner counties and candidates in preparing call and walk lists and recording results of phone banks and canvasses. Provides VoteBuilder training. Following elections, Data Management creates tables, charts, and graphs reflecting demographic voting patterns.
latino engagement team
Supports county Democratic parties and legislative candidates to better reach Latino voters. Works to increase Latino voter turnout through the development of bi-lingual materials, programming to partner with Latino community groups, volunteer recruitment, voter registration, phone and text banking, and canvassing for Spanish speaking and Latino voters.
Designs, hand-writes, and mails postcards providing Early Voting and Voting information, encouraging voters to participate in elections, and promoting Democratic candidates and values. Raises funds to support these voter outreach efforts.
“I can’t think of a better group that doesn’t just talk about making a difference, but actually puts the work in to get the job done.”
-Brian Farkas, Former Representative, House District 9
How You can help
Become a C2C/NoC volunteer; your help is essential for electing Democrats in NC! Join the C2C volunteers who make a difference by canvassing in neighboring counties, staffing phone and text banks, registering voters, writing postcards, and more!

We regularly send out updates about events, phone banks, canvasses, and our newsletter On the Issues. Stay informed so you can turn your passion into action!