Democrats stand for freedom and fairness
Jim Protzman Jim Protzman

Democrats stand for freedom and fairness

With the election just around the corner, we Democrats have a lot of work to do. Especially when it comes to explaining what the heck we stand for. We’ve forgotten one of the basic tenets of messaging. Keep it simple. Democrats stand for freedom and fairness.

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Could immigrants save Social Security?
Carol Burke and Annie Dudley Carol Burke and Annie Dudley

Could immigrants save Social Security?

Social Security needs Congressional attention if it is to retain its fiscal health. By 2035, the youngest of the baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) will reach their 70’s, and if nothing is done, the government will only be able to pay out 83% of promised benefits.

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Air and water pollution? Republicans just don’t care
Woody Setzer Woody Setzer

Air and water pollution? Republicans just don’t care

Human activities modify our environment in many ways, sometimes suddenly and catastrophically, like the Dan River coal ash spill in 2014, other times slowly and gradually, like the increase in carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere due to burning fossil fuels. Almost always, the general population endure the dire consequences of such human-made disasters, while the economic beneficiaries shield themselves with their money and privilege.

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Reject high conflict to win swing voters
Guest Writer Jen Wolosin Guest Writer Jen Wolosin

Reject high conflict to win swing voters

“I love Trump!”

I felt my heart quicken when I heard the taxi driver say these three words. It was Summer 2022, and my family was en route from Heathrow Airport to the center of London. I immediately started preparing a speech in my head to deliver to this ignorant man about the wrong-doings, moral failures, and dangers posed by the former President.

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Poverty is a policy choice
Sondra Stein Sondra Stein

Poverty is a policy choice

In 2013, NC Republicans won a supermajority in the General Assembly for the first time in 100 years. In response, Reverend William J. Barber II launched Moral Monday. Every week, thousands of us participated in rallies at Halifax Mall, putting ourselves on the line to stand up for public education, Medicaid Expansion, and eliminating barriers to voting.

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Yes, people still talk on the phone
Laura Baxley Laura Baxley

Yes, people still talk on the phone

In these days of endless news cycles and more media outlets than we can count, it is easy to feel angry and overwhelmed by NC politics. The headlines can make us feel hopeless.

But here’s the good news. YOU have the power to change things. YOU have an incredible opportunity to move the needle in favor of Democratic candidates in 2024.

How? Turn off the TV and pick up the phone.

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