Yes, people still talk on the phone

In these days of endless news cycles and more media outlets than we can count, it is easy to feel angry and overwhelmed by NC politics. The headlines can make us feel hopeless. 

But here’s the good news. YOU have the power to change things. YOU have an incredible opportunity to move the needle in favor of Democratic candidates in 2024. 

How? Turn off the TV and pick up the phone. 

Make a True Difference in Election Outcomes

One-on-one conversations are the most effective tool we have for increasing voter turnout. By listening to voters’ concerns and sharing information about the fantastic Democrats running for office, you can give people real hope and a solid reason to get to the polls.

Volunteer phone banking —  real people like you talking to voters across the state — is powerful. These calls net around one vote per 36 conversations! It’s very simple: more conversations = more Democrats elected.

Even in this era of caller ID, many people still answer their phones! C2C’s 2024 phone banks have an average contact rate of around 10%. Before Election Day, our volunteers will talk with thousands of voters in NC’s closest House and Senate races, producing a significant increase in voter turnout. 

But I’m Still Nervous…

Phone banking may take you outside of your comfort zone as it can feel awkward to talk with strangers about politics. But with a little risk comes great rewards; you’ll enjoy the conversations, you’ll feel good about doing something proven to make a difference, and soon you’ll feel like a pro!

Volunteer Barb Wedehase joined her first C2C phone bank in April, and she reflects: 

“Honestly - It is Super Easy. The script is short and easy to put in your own words. Hearing the candidates on the Zoom call makes the process so real and so important. I reached only three live people, but those three made my night! I had delightful conversations with the three and I know that the other callers heard the names of the candidates in the message, which is so important.”

You can do this, and C2C is here to make it easier. Our phone banking experts are always available to help you get comfortable. We offer training on every phone bank Kickoff Zoom, and offer at least one additional training session per month. Additionally, we are always on-call to answer any questions, any time. You can visit our Phone Bank FAQ website and view our online training video whenever you need extra support. 

The Conversations Are Fun and Rewarding!

C2C phone banks target voters who are registered Democrats or left-leaning Unaffiliated voters. We often reach out to voters who live in rural areas that are difficult to canvass and rarely get a chance to share their opinions. Often these voters are happy to talk with you about what matters to them and to learn more about the candidates running to represent them in Raleigh.

You’ll learn from the voters you talk with, too. You’ll talk with them about the lack of health care facilities in Eastern NC; lightning-fast development and increased traffic in Southern Wake County; rising property taxes in Wilson; concerns over private school vouchers in Granville County, and so much more. 

Phonebankers often identify real questions and problems that candidates and county parties can address immediately. C2C volunteers have discovered voters who need rides to the polls, voters who have questions for the candidate, voters who did not know their polling locations had changed, and more. These calls create true connections and lead to real votes for Democrats.

What if No One Answers?

It can be frustrating to spend your time on a phone bank and have just a few conversations. But phone banking provides a valuable service to campaigns even when you don’t reach a lot of people. First, leaving voicemails increases the candidate's name recognition. Secondly, you help clean up voter data: Who has moved? Which phone numbers are disconnected? Every issue you identify saves the campaign time and money during Get Out the Vote initiatives.

Ready to join us in activating Democratic voters? Here’s how.

  1. Sign Up. Visit C2C’s website and click on the blue VOLUNTEER button.

  2. Get Instructions. The Day of the Phone Bank, you’ll receive an email from This email will contain all the instructions you need to join us. 

  3. Meet the Candidate! Every time C2C hosts a phone bank or a canvass, our amazing partner candidates show up to meet you. Join our Zoom to hear from the candidate and ask questions of them.

  4. Make Calls Anytime. After our Meet the Candidate Zoom Kickoff, we’ll make lots of calls that evening as a collective. But we also keep these phone banks open for two weeks as we “Spotlight” our partner candidates, so you can make calls on your own time, at your convenience. Learn more.

  5. You will have a Script. While we encourage you to make the conversation your own when you are talking with a voter, you don’t have to worry about what to say. All phone banks have a script you’ll follow.

  6. Stuck? Have a Question? Reach out to us anytime at and we’ll make sure you have the support you need!

YOU can make a true difference in Democratic voter turnout this year. Come join us! 


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