We can build a better world together
So many aspects of life in the US were radically affected by the COVID pandemic. But while much of the danger and disruption has passed, we are left with the global sense that so much is out of control.
We look around and see destruction from wars raging around the world, devastation from extreme weather brought about by global warming, and waves of immigration produced by these crises. And here, at home, we’re faced with a dysfunctional Republican party which seems to have forgotten that it's the responsibility of government to make our lives easier and better… and that they are elected to represent us. Think about it:
Although nearly three-quarters of Americans support maintaining the right to reproductive freedom that was enshrined in Roe v Wade, Republicans in Congress are plotting a national abortion ban.
While more than 80% of us worry about crime and violence, and support gun safety legislation, Republicans refuse to restore the ban on assault rifles, expand and enforce background checks, make 21 the legal age for buying any firearm, and put in place red flag laws to allow family members to stop relatives who are a danger to themselves or others from purchasing guns.
While the vast majority of Americans want government to negotiate drug prices (as is done in every other developed country), Republicans continue to side with big Pharma, resulting in US citizens weighed down by the world’s highest drug costs.
As one country, we can’t erase all of the world’s problems, but we can solve important domestic issues like these by making the right political choices.
Unlike Republicans, the Democratic Party pays attention to what Americans need, with both The Biden-Harris administration and Democrats in Congress driven to restore a good life for American families — one in which we are all part of something larger, based on shared values. Together, we are demonstrating that government can work for the people and that together we can restore the soul of our nation.
We have much more to do. And we can't get it done unless all of us come out to turn NC Blue once again. 2024 must be the year that we repeat the Obama turnout and that can only happen if all of us work in whatever ways we can — talking to friends and neighbors, canvassing, phonebanking, donating — to get out every vote we can for a Democratic North Carolina and America that supports and enriches all of us.
Thank you for all that you have done and will do in 2024!
The C2C Newsletter Team
Sarah Arneson
Sam Whitten Bohmer
Carol Burke
Jeff Elliott
Diana McDuffee
Nan Nixon
Woody Setzer
Sondra Stein
Lara Torgeson